Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Something really terrible happened yesterday and i've learnt my lesson. Never ever use social networking sites to curse and swear about your parents because if they do find out, YOU'LL BE IN DEEP SHIT. When i say deep shit, i really DO MEAN IT. If you treasure and if you love your parents, try to AVOID cursing and swearing them on social networking sites because parents nowadays aren't dumb.

To make it up to my mum, i spent the whole day with her today. I just love her. I never ever want to let her down anymore. I never ever want to disappoint her and make her sad ANYMORE! I accompanied mum to City Square at Johor Bahru today because she wanted to get her power tonic drink, Kacip Fatimah. That drink is only available in Malaysia therefore we had to travel all the way there just to get em'.

Yes, this is the drink. Wondering why it's said to be power tonic?

Kacip Fatimah is known for:
  • Acting as an aphrodisiac for many people.
  • Improves physical and mental performance
  • Enhances energy levels, endurance and stamina
  • Reduces mental fatigues and exhaustion
  • Strengthens bones and muscles
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Reduces high blood pressure
Anyway, after mum got her Kacip Fatimah drinks, we headed to Sarabat to get our lunch but UNFORTUNATELY, they only serve their thosais and pratas from opening time to 11.30am and 3pm onwards. The timing is WERID right? I was freaking CRAVING for the egg prata and masal thosai! Dayyum! So, we changed our plans. We had Seoul Garden for lunch instead! OM NOM NOM!Yummylicious fish. I love the fact that they have variety flavours of fish. Singapore's Seoul Garden only have 1 flavour.

Oh did i mention about us getting Pretzels for free? YES AUNTIE ANNE'S PRETZELS! Auntie Anne's is celebrating their 15th year in Malaysia therefore they gave out free pretzels on certain dates and certain timings and WE WERE LUCKY that we were there on the right day and right time! :)

I had such a great time with my mum today. I am glad that she forgave me. (I hope she forgives me). I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MUM! THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME ANOTHER CHANCE!