Ulcer oh ulcer. Please go away. It's really making my life so difficult. It's so tiring having to tilt my head to the left just to get my food to the left side of the mouth so that i can chew my food at ease. I was really curious on the causes of mouth ulcers and how it can be treated so i went to research on it.
Various causes of mouth ulcers:
- High intake of spicy or acidic food
- Lack of vitamin B2 in the diet
- Minor injuries
- Allergies
- Stopping smoking
- Bacteria
- Toothpaste
Treating ulcers:
- Use over the counter medications such as 'Milk of Magnesia' or Bonjela
- Antiseptic mouthwash
- Home made rinse from a small amount of salt and warm water
- Place ice pack on the ulcer
For more information regarding mouth ulcers, you can drop by this website. It has really informative information on mouth ulcers.