Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's been such a very long time since i last update my blog. Say about a month plus? Anyway, i'm back! :)

So, what's with my life now and what am i doing with my life now? Well, I've been really busy with work / internship. Life's so different now unlike back in the school days where life was simple with the same daily routine; go to school, attend class and then head home after class at around 5pm. Although i can't tell you guys which company i'm attached to for my internship, i can still give you guys a clue. I'm attached to a dance company. :)

Time seems to pass by really quickly.I still remember my very first day of internship which was on 11th April 2011. It's 24th May today and that means i've been in the company for about a month and 13 days. Whoa, time really pass by very quickly! I still remember how i felt on my first day of internship. The moment i stepped into the office, i felt nauseous and the feeling of turning back and running away was really strong because honestly, i've NEVER ever have any working experience.

Work had been really fun, enjoyable, interesting but exhausting. I can honestly say that yes i do learn something new almost everyday that i am at work. Furthermore, I am very fortunate and blessed to have a caring, understanding, knowledgeable and anal manager who is willing to share her experience and knowledge with us. She is always more than willing to share important pointers / information / skills on whatever tasks that she's doing no matter how busy she may be. The best thing about the people in the company is that they never treat us as just INTERNS. They treat us as 1 of them, full-time staff. We feel very welcomed from the moment we step into the company.

As for the nature of the work, i am actually part of the stage management / production team and i've also been assigned to handle logistics tasks / matters. Actually, we are not assigned to any particular department permanently. Our job is versatile. We can be doing tasks by either marketing, logistics, wardrobe or stage / production department depending if help is needed.

So is the work tough? The work is tough especially when it comes to having to do tasks that i NEVER / DON'T like such as filing, logistics (involving calling suppliers and make orders when i clearly hate talking on the phone!), running errands.

So far, i've only been involved in 1 production by the company. It was such a pleasant experience. I learnt quite a number of new things / skills. I finally managed to mark my very own props table all by myself. I learnt that in order to prevent the dancers from falling off the front of the stage, it is a must to place LED lights of different colours at the edge of the stage (centre stage and quarter stage). Productions are very exhausting especially bumping-in and bumping-out. Things needs to be done extremely fast. Although it's exhausting, i am looking forward to the upcoming production in June! I'm in it for the next production. :)

The props table that i marked! HEEHEE! :)
My virgin attempt in notating blockings for a dance performance. :)