I know i'm late but Salam Ramadhan to all the Muslims all over the world! How have your Ramadhan been for all of you? So far, my Ramadhan is going on quite smoothly, alhamdulillah. Well, i've not been updating my blog for quite a long time. There are a few reasons as to why i've not been updating. Firstly, time constraint due to my busy schedule especially when i am already at the peak of my course. Secondly, i am lazy. Too lazy to update my blog. The thought of typing just makes me sleepy. Lastly, sadly, i've lost touch in blogging. It's sad. Blogging used to be my favourite past time, 6-7 years ago.
But anyway, let's see how much i can update in this post until my eyes give way. Oh, for your information, it's close to 10pm right now.
As i've mentioned earlier on, i am already at the peak of my course. Indeed i am at the peak of my course. Insyallah, if all goes well, i'll be completing my course by end of October. So can you foresee how busy i will get in the coming months especially for Practicum 3 & Practicum 4. It's going to be a tough journey but as a saying goes, "No pain, no gain". According to the standard practices, students who have completed their course will be transferred out from the centre that they've been attached in. Upon transferring out, they will officially be given a class and be a form teacher for that particular class. Now this is the part where i am having mixed feelings about it. I am VERY excited to have my own class but on the other hand, i am very nervous, scared and worried. I don't know if i can handle and manage a class all by myself although i will have a chinese teacher as my partner but i am aware and i fully understand that NOT ALL PARTNERS are easy to work with. *gasps for air* Well, i think for now, i should not worry so much about that. I should focus on completing my course.